Tuesday, September 17, 2024

"Is It Possible to Discover a New Colour?"

Blue is a fascinating colour, known for its depth and limitlessness existing around us in the sky and ocean. blue is also believed, among some, to offer protection, especially against the "evil eye," it's often associated with the Virgin Mary, who is frequently wearing blue robes in her photos.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Non-Binary-ness and Patriarchy | It is the only concept that challenges patriarchy itself, not just its established battlegrounds or tools

It’s fascinating how expectations can be a significant aspect of human nature. We often seek attention and feel disappointed when it isn’t given. We long for love and wish that others would be genuinely interested in what we say; if they’re not, we feel hurt. We might even believe that we are alone in the universe or that the universe exists just for us. We expect not to be forgotten and assume that tragedies reported in the news won’t affect us personally.

Similarly, we have specific expectations about how people should behave based on their gender. For instance, we assume that someone identifying as male should act, dress, and speak in traditionally masculine ways. When someone challenges these norms by wearing makeup, a skirt, or otherwise deviating from expected gender performances, it can lead to discomfort or conflict.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Fiona Rae's Controlled Chaos

© Fiona Rae

One of the most eye-pleasing abstract works I've encountered in a long time was this piece by Hong Kong-born British artist Fiona Rae. This piece is a perfect reflection of her signature style. Bold, vibrant, and colourful, yet intricately detailed and thoughtfully organized. It's the chaos within the artwork that captivates you, drawing you in with a blend of loud and soft expressions that speak to you on multiple levels simultaneously.

Fiona Rae's work, as seen in this piece, is rebellious in the techniques she uses. It breaks away from traditional approaches, utilising many elements simultaneously to express complex, layered ideas. Her technique challenges conventions, combining diverse forms and styles to weave a narrative that is both rich in detail and full of energy.

Rae studied in Croydon, south of London, during the 1980s, followed by her time at Goldsmiths. then her career truly took off in the 1990s.

Reference: https://fiona-rae.com/



Friday, September 6, 2024

The Polarisation Trap | The push for intersectional justice meets fierce opposition where the tools of arguments and rational conversations are not valid, usable or helpful

In her latest book (2024), Judith Butler argues that engaging with anti-gender individuals is challenging because their beliefs are not grounded in rational thought, literature, theories, or evidence-based arguments. She questions how one can debate with people who reject the very methods of reasoning and evidence that form the basis of intellectual discourse. Butler tells an encounter with an angry protester who told her, "I pray for god to forgive you." When Butler asked the woman if she had read any of her books, the protester replied, "No, I haven't, and I won't." Butler suggests that logical, evidence-backed arguments do not sway anti-gender people. In fact, they actively shield themselves from logic, fearing it as a potential slippery slope.

Evelyn Axell's Valentine (1967) | A Visual Rebellion Against Gender Expectations

I found this art piece at the Tate Modern in London to be one of the most fascinating items on display. It’s a 3D pop art work by Belgian artist Evelyne Axell. When I looked into her background, I was surprised to learn that she started her career in theatre before shifting to painting in the 1960s. Valentine, completed in 1967, really stands out for how boldly it tackles themes of gender and sexuality.

"Is It Possible to Discover a New Colour?"

Blue is a fascinating colour, known for its depth and limitlessness existing around us in the sky and ocean. blue is also believed, amo...